Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Two of a kind!

I know I have already posted pictures of us at the pumpkin patch, but I wanted to do a separate blog about Doug and his little brother, Jaggar. They were really good sports and accompanied Halli, our load of kids, and I to the pumpkin patch as well. While the kids played on tractors, and
Halli and I took pictures, these two had fun of the their own.
It started off with Jag teasing Doug while he was trying to use the potty and ended with the goofiest pictures I have ever seen! It's crazy the bond that these two share. Actually, I think Jaggar has an individual bond with all of his older siblings. It's just that Doug and Jaggar's bond is more about fun and goofing around. I hope you enjoy the pictures, I know I do:)

1 comment:

Halli said...

i didn't see all these freakin hilarious!!! I glad you posted them, and you're right. These two are pretty goofy. I love 'em!